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Evolving Computer Virus & Malware Delivery Methods

In order to commit a wide range of cybercrimes – including stealing banking details, generating revenues from premium-charge phone numbers or demanding ransom payments – cybercriminals have created and distributed network worms… many of which have caused Internet epidemics.

Computer virus mass attacks

Cybercriminals will vary their method of computer virus delivery, according to their objective. Often, the cybercriminal will aim to install Trojans on as many computers as possible, across the world. Past examples of such worms include:

  • Mydoom
  • Bagle
  • Warezov – mail worm
Limiting the spread of a computer virus attack

In some instances, instead of trying to spread computer virus infections across the maximum number of users, the cybercriminal may deliberately limit the number of computers that they infect. In this way, the criminals may avoid attracting too much publicity – and the attention of law enforcement agencies.

To achieve a limited number of infections, the criminal will choose not to use an uncontrolled network worm. Instead, they may use a website that they have infected with a Trojan. The criminal can monitor the number of visitors to the website and place a limit on the number of computers that the Trojan attacks.

Protecting your devices and your data

To learn more about protection against Trojans, worms and viruses, please click on the links:

Evolving Computer Virus & Malware Delivery Methods

In order to commit a wide range of cybercrimes – including stealing banking details, generating revenues from premium-charge phone numbers or demanding ransom payments – cybercriminals have created and distributed network worms… many of which have caused Internet epidemics.
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